Destination | 奥鬼怒温泉郷 Okukinu Onsen, Tochigi |
Duration | 1泊2日 (2days/1night) |
Dates | 5月〜10月の間で随時開催(詳細日程は別途) ※任意の日程でグループ貸切ツアーも承ります On request (Ask for PRIVATE / CUSTOM Tour) *Recommended season : May to October |
Price | 8-9 guests : ¥64,900- /person (Twin room share basis) 6-7 guests : ¥73,700- /person (Twin room share basis) 4-5 guests : ¥88,000- /person (Twin room share basis) 10 or more guests : Quote Individually 全て税込料金 All prices include tax. |
Single Supplement | 税込8,800円 8,800JPY |
Bike Rental | Cannondale SLATE 105 (gravel roadbike) : 18,700JPY for 2 days rental |
首都圏からもアクセスの良い鬼怒川源流部エリアで、「グラベル x 秘湯」の最高の組み合わせをご堪能ください!
<グラベルセクション 1日目:約8km 2日:約18km>
※ 経験豊富なサイクリングガイドとサポートカーが帯同し、安全対策を徹底して開催します。
主催:(一社)日光市観光協会 湯西川・川俣・奥鬼怒支部
An exciting weekend bike trip including cycle cruising along the headwater of Kinu River and “Gravel Ride” in the deep wilderness with a relaxing night at the last hidden onsen (hot-spring) in Kanto region of Japan!
You will explore hidden deep side of Nikko by bike including 8km car-free gravel road and 10km beautiful forest gravel road.
<< This is one of the "Projects attracting tourists to National Parks of Japan" in 2022, supported by Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan.>>
- 走りやすく景色も良い鬼怒川沿いの道をその源流へ向けて走る爽快サイクリング。/ Exhilarating cycling on scenic roads along the headwater of Kinu River.
- 次々に現れる巨大なダム群とダムが創り出す幻想的な風景を堪能。/ Enjoy giant constructions of dams and mysterious scenery which dams created.
- 通常は一般車両通行止の秘境の未舗装路「奥鬼怒スーパー林道」を、特別な許可を得て走るグラベルセクション。 / Challenge a 8km car-free gravel road cycling heading to the hidden onsen.
- 原生林に囲まれた緩やかな起伏の極上グラベルが10kmもの間続く林間グラベルセクション。 / Enjoy exciting gravel ride on a 10km long forest road surrounded by wild forest.
- 関東最後の秘湯、奥鬼怒温泉の極上湯で疲れを癒す / Stay at the most hidden and remote onsen village in Kanto region.
MODERATE – CHALLENGING 55km – 78km / day with uphills and gravel roads
Day 1 / Meet day – [Cycle 55km, 1400m UP (50kmずっと登り), Gravel section 8km]
9:00 (東武鉄道)鬼怒川温泉駅(またはすぐ隣の「TOBU PARK鬼怒川温泉駅駐車場」)に集合、受付、ブリーフィング
9:30 鬼怒川温泉駅からサイクリングスタート
16:30頃 奥鬼怒温泉 加仁湯または八丁湯でサイクリング終了
Day 2 / Gravel day [Cycle 78km, 1,400m up, Gravel section 18km]
8:20 加仁湯前からサイクリングスタート
16:30頃 鬼怒川温泉駅前でサイクリング終了・解散
You will stay at a really hidden onsen ryokan in Okukinu Onsen. Relax in great natural open-air hot-springs after a day of cycling adventure. And the delicious Japanese cuisine dinner with fresh local ingredients will make you more and more happy!

If it isn’t for the cycling, many of our guests would call this a gourmet tour, offering an amazing range of traditional Japanese food, kaiseki-ryori (a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner), bento style breakfasts, local specialties like grilled ayu or iwana (fresh water trout) and yuba dishes (silky tofu skin) and coffee breaks with ice cream from local dairy farms and traditional Japanese sweets.
In Yunisikawa, you will taste a delicious fresh Tofu at a local specialty tofu restaurant with ancient atmosphere.

また、ご希望の方には、グラベルロードバイク(Cannondale SLATE 105)のレンタルもご用意しています。(別料金)
A support vehicle will be available throughout the entire tour. No need to carry your bags on your bike during the ride – they will travel in a support vehicle between hotels.
If you need, rental of a High performance Gravel Road Bike (Cannondale SLATE 105) is also available at an extra charge.
- 1泊宿泊費(2名1室) 1 night accommodation on twin share basis
- 朝食1回、昼食2回、夕食1回 1 breakfast, 2 lunches and 1 dinner
- サイクリングガイド Tour guide(s)
- 大型サポートカー Van support
- メカニックサポート Mechanical support
- 車での荷物搬送 Luggage transfer by van
- サイクリング中の飲料と補給食 Snacks and water during cycling
- ツアー中の写真の撮影と共有 High quality photos in the tour
- 傷害及び賠償保険 Accident insurance (limited)
6-7 guests : ¥73,700- /person (Twin room share basis)
4-5 guests : ¥88,000- /person (Twin room share basis)
10 or more guests : Quote Individually
全て税込料金 All prices include tax.